
8 Ways To Be Happy

Every person in this universe has some goals in life. Being happy is one of them. Happiness may be referred to as contentment. It comes from doing, not trying. Do not try to make yourself happy by thinking about happy things, because it doesn’t work. It may boost your mood temporarily but will not sustain you for a long time. Here are some methods which can help you to be happy.

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Stay focused

It is found in the study that a wandering mind is not a happy mind. Wandering of the mind attracts negative thoughts. We feel happy when focusing on what we are doing at the moment. It is very pleasurable to focus on meaningful experiences. So for happiness, it is essential not to let your mind wander here and there.

Engage your mind in Activities

We are happiest when we engage in meaningful and enjoyable activities. At that time our focus in only on what we are doing. A busy mind avoids negative and unnecessary thoughts and hence we feel happier. So keeping your mind busy with meaningful activities is of great importance for being happy.

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Find it within Yourself

There are a large number of people who rely on others for their happiness. We feel unhappy and depressed because someone disappointed us. This will enhance the distance between happiness and us. Why are we depending on others for happiness? Why there is the key to comfort in others’ hands? This is not fair. Do not rely on others.

Happiness comes from the inside, not from the outside. Only we are responsible for our happiness and contentment. No one is responsible for managing your emotions other than yourself. You can be happy with someone but not because of someone.

Get enough sleep

We all know that sleep helps our body recover from the day and repair itself. It helps us to be focused and more productive. The BPS Research explores another study that proves sleep affects our sensitivity to negative emotions. It is found in the study that those who worked through the afternoon without taking a nap become more sensitive to negative emotions.

Adequate sleep is vital to good health, brain function, and emotional well-being. How well you sleep will affect how you feel when you wake up. So get enough sleep to reduce the risk of chronic illness.

Help others

Helping others is one of the best ways to be happier. When we help others, there is no self-interest. We did this without our personal interest. Spending some money on other people makes us happier than buying stuff for ourselves. When we help other, our brain release hormones having a soothing effect. So help other people to get satisfaction.

Be grateful

Expressing gratitude is very useful for our satisfaction. Performing acts of kindness may also help promote your overall well-being. When we express gratitude it makes us feel contented. Thanks, someone even for a little favor. This will result in huge differences in our behavior and lifestyle. The feeling of thankfulness is happiness itself. When we feel thankful, there is no space for hate and complaints. And not having any complaints or hate is a sign of happiness. So be thankful.


Meditation is an important habit for improving focus and keeping calm. Meditation makes us feel happy and contented. After meditation, we experience a feeling of calm and awareness. Meditation is one of the ancient and most effective methods to relieve stress and anxiety. It is scientifically proven that the continuous practice of meditation enhances our capability of thinking and broadened our criteria for thinking. So practice meditation for contentment.

Avoid comparison to others:

This is a common habit to compare oneself to others. This may be in our society, at our workplace, or on social media. By comparing with others feeling of discontent appears. This will decrease our self-esteem and produce anxiety and depression. When we compare ourselves with others, our attention goes to others’ actions but not inside ourselves. For happiness, attention must be inward. So avoid comparing yourself to others.

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