
A little learning is a dangerous thing’ goes a common saying everywhere. Whenever we find a man of very little knowledge, failing in his mission, we at once repeat this saying. The line has been sung by Pope. He is well-known in the realm of literature for his ‘Rape of the Lock’. Pope sang –

“A little learning is a dangerous thing,

Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.

The draughts intoxicate the brain,

And drinking largely sober us again”,

The poet is quiet correct in his belief. Actually, a man of little knowledge sometimes proves very dangerous. He knowledge becomes the cause of tragic death. He says that just as a shallow act of drinking unnecessarily intoxicates the brain and drinking largely sobers the brain, in the same way a man shows his shallowness with a shallow knowledge of a thing.

He is intoxicated by his little knowledge and considering him self to be the master of the same, commits grievous mistakes which prove fatal sometime. This saying means that shallow knowledge is a source of danger. As such is leads to encourage the man of little learning to acquire more and deeper knowledge, it also suggests that complete ignorance is highly objectionable. It is better to have little learning than to be ignorant.

The reason of little learning to be dangerous

It is relevant to ask why after all a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. This can be seen in the practical life of a man. We all know that an empty vessel sounds much. Actually a man of little learning over estimates himself. He begin to consider that actually he is the master of the subject. He is puffed up with pride which is actually false. He begins to guide the people but as he is imperfect in his knowledge, he instead of giving proper advice, misguides them. His condition is like a frog in the pond Koop Mandook’-which takes the pond to be a vast ocean. Sometimes his false pride of the knowledge compels him to take wrong decisions which are welcomed by serious and tragic consequences.

Such shallow-minded man does not have depth of thought. He is not serious and sound in his expression. Actually the broad mindedness, depth of thoughts seriousness in the expression of thoughts are the characteristics of a man having some knowledge. We all know that the shallowly portion of the ocean is full of storms and tides but there is no storm and tide in the deeper part of the ocean.

Difference between the persons of deep learning and shallow learning

There is a vast difference between the man of deep know ledge and the man of shallow knowledge. The man, rather learned man, has deep knowledge of the subject, hence there is no question of making unnecessary sound like empty vessels. This man hears very patiently the views of others. If the views of others are logical and to the point, he at once agrees to them. He never uses his physical force to gain his end. He does not make a noise over an issue but tries to solve the problem with a cool mind and grace. He creates such an atmosphere in the society, where he is present, that all begin to worship him and his learning. He never says anything hitting to pinch anyone.

On the other hand, the man of shallow knowledge unnecessarily makes a hue and cry and tries to impose his views upon others. His. views are nothing but the stock of his stubbornness of idiotic type. A man of little learning poses himself to be a learned man and makes a laughing stock of himself before the persons of deep know ledge and learning. In the assembly of doctors, he shows that he is a great doctor and surpasses of others in wisdom. In the assembly of professors, he barks too much to hide his little learning. He thinks that perhaps his shouting and chatting will create impression upon the persons present there and they will accept him to be a learned and wise man. He shines like a hero in the swarm of granders and a crow in the group of peacocks.

Actually, a well-read man drinks the water of knowledge. He is conscious of his deep knowledge but he is modest and humble in his behavior. He is very polite in his manner and gentle in his bearing. We all know that a little fish present in the shallow portion of water makes a lot of movement and a big fish moves gracefully and with dignity in deep water. The little fish is like the man of little learning and that big fish is like the man of deep learning.

Some learning is better than that of nothing

We all know that knowledge is power. Only that knowledge is power which is deep and sound. A little knowledge does the harm. But ignorance is a course. If we have to select either of the two ignorance and little learning-we must choose little learning. It is correct that operation of heavy and mighty machines should be done by a man of deep knowledge but it is also not advisable to keep the machine stand still and not allowing a man of little learning.

Deep knowledge should be the destination of man’s life. In absence of the dazzling light of the electric bulbs that flickering light of the candles is welcomed. A literate man is far better than all illiterate man. We must remember that “something is better than nothing.” In the race of getting full, we should not leave the half.

Real meaning of deep learning

Actually, we do not understand properly the real meaning of learning. As a matter of fact, no one can boast of having perfect knowledge of a thing, because knowledge is like a vast ocean where learned men float like a tiny cork. Our life is too short and the knowledge is so vast like space. So by deep learning we mean that we should have the sufficient knowledge of a thing which we pick up so that is may not prove to be fatal.


If we wive a deep thought to it, we shall see that a little learning is not so dangerous as it is considered. It is dangerous only when the learner is foolish and not conscious of his own little learning. If a man in medicine is conscious that he knows little about the diseases and their medicines, he will never like to kill the patients. If a man of little learning is wise and gentle, he will always keep an eye upon his own knowledge and he will never prove himself to be dangerous and misleading for the people. So a little learning may be dangerous but ignorance is more dangerous than little learning.

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