
A Stitch in time saves nine is a commonly quoted proverb. It is not a subject of dispute but an admitted fact. Its literal meaning is quite obvious. If there is some little hole in our garments or there is a little tear, we must take trouble to repair it at once to sew it. A single stitch will serve our purpose and save the cloth from being completely torn. If we are careless about it and allow this tear or hole to remain as it is, it will gradually become bigger and bigger and in future it will need a number of stitches. It will take much time, much trouble and much expenses also. Even then we are not sure that it will be repaired well. As such we see that a stitch in time is more valuable than many out of time. If we mend our tearing of a garment in the beginning, it pill be saved from being destroyed and putting us to great loss.

Its application to the affairs of life

As it is to one role, so is true in many affairs of our life. These affairs of our life need much attention in the beginning otherwise they many prove quite harmful in future. Therefore, this commonly quoted proverb teaches us good practical lesson. The lesson is that weakness, defeat or in ability in men should be overcome and should not be allowed to continue and develop and have firm root in us, but should be remedied at appearance. Our bad habits must be nipped in the bud other wise they will take deep root and will spoil our life. This is the case with the society also. As such this maxim is a call to us to do the right thing at the right moment.

There are many examples in our lives which can speak in favour of this common saying. We can take the example of our house in which we live. There may be cracks in the walls or roofs of the house. We should be very careful to attend to them at their first appearance otherwise this may prove to be fatal. These cracks may easily be repaired at small expense, costing little at the cost of little worry and time. But if these cracks are not looked after carefully and not repaired in time and allowed to grow in the rainy season naturally the cracks will widen well. On account of incessant rain the house may collapse and the result will be a great loss of property and sometimes of life even. Now it will take much time, money and patience to get it repaired. Such is the case with our bodies also. Whenever we catch cold or suffer from some very minor disease, we must attend to it seriously in time otherwise, this may prove to be very dangerous in future. It may take a serious turn and may even become past cure.

Its application to life in its mental, moral and political spheres

This common saying is well applied in the mental, moral and political affairs also. It holds equally good in all those spheres. Some times, we see in the states or nation, some disturbances taking birth. Any problem in the state or nation should be tackled tactfully and solved at once otherwise it will dig the grave of the Government. The clouds of misfortune coming above may gather strength and create a very serious and critical situation in the country. We can take the example of our country. Pakistan and China are threatening our country’s existence now and then. If they are given a loose rope and allowed to continue as they wish, they will prove very fatal to our country. If they are tackled tactfully from the beginning, our country will save a lot of money and time.

In the mental and moral spheres too, this wise saying holds equally good. If the young children develop the habit of telling a lie or stealing, a step should be taken immediately to reform them, otherwise these habits will grow and will be changed into normal character of the child. This will cause a great trouble to him in future. Such juvenile criminal may turn out to be a confirmed criminal and will bring disgrace has parents, family and friends becoming a menace to the society.

The life is full of hardships and on account of such hardships, sometimes even grown-up people deviate from the path of morality. Generally grown up people holding good offices on account of their helplessness, are tempted to accept bribe or some present now and then. If they does once and do not check themselves, this will grow into their normal habit. This will spoil them and also the nation. As such, we see that this common saying is useful in every sphere of life.


There are certain reasons for not giving proper stitch at the right moment. Laziness, indifference and lack of the sense of duty are some of the causes to which prompt people not give the right stitch in time. They postpone it on account of their laziness which is simply their foolishness and nothing else. If we do not take up the work in right earnest at right time, thousands of obstacles may come in our life and we may not be able to do the work though we may wish to do it. We are in the habit of postponing the work for future. We must not trust the future. We must act in the living present. If we follow this maxim, we shall never be in danger. We must be very careful in given a stitch in time which will certainly save nine. This habit will save us from a lot of future troubles and expenses.

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