Acid fly or Nairobi fly infection

Acid Fly or Nairobi Fly Infection in India

Acid fly or Nairobi fly infection has created a scare in several areas of North Bengal with the Darjeeling district administration issuing an advisory for prevention against the insect. Mainly children and people with sensitive skin getting infected by the insect. The infection first appeared in Sikkim and has since been around, officials said. About 100 students of North Bengal University (NBU), Siliguri, are now affected by the virus.

Darjeeling District authorities have issued an advisory on preventive measures such as wearing full-sleeve clothes, avoiding going outdoors in the evening, using mosquito nets, and using dim lights inside houses. In case of infection, people should contact medical help immediately.

Facts about Acid fly infection

  • Acid fly infection is also known as Nairobi fly infection. Nairobi flies are native to East Africa. Nairobi flies have two species – paederus eximius and Paederus sabaeus. These are the small beetle-like insects, orange and black in color and usually found in areas with high rainfall. This infection occurs mostly in children and people with sensitive skin.
  • Nairobi flies are attracted by bright light. These flies usually destroy crops and eat pests. As per the Health Department, these flies do not bite or sting. While sitting on the body they release a potent acidic substance the body which causes burns.
  • Normally these are beneficial for humans as they eat pests but they cause harm when coming in direct contact with humans.
  • These flies secret a chemical known as pederin, which can cause skin irritation if it comes in direct contact with it.
  • This infection is not contagious. Skin begins to recover within a week. Secondary infection may emerge if a person scratches it.

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