
Happiness is not found in a specific path; rather, happiness is the path itself

Happiness is not found in a specific path; rather, happiness is the path itself

Path of Happiness To find true happiness, we must avoid dwelling in the past or constantly comparing ourselves to others. The greatest loss in life is when we let a part of ourselves die inside while we live. Remember that you deserve love and affection, just like anyone else in the universe. Trust that when […]

Happiness is not found in a specific path; rather, happiness is the path itself Read More »

Artificially vs naturally ripend mangoes

4 ways to differentiate Artificially ripened mangoes from Naturally ripened mangoes

Mangoes can be enjoyed ripe or unripe and are commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes. They are a popular ingredient in many cuisines, including Indian, Thai, and Mexican cuisine. Artificially ripened mangoes can be differentiated from naturally ripened mangoes by looking for some key differences like color, taste, and smell.

4 ways to differentiate Artificially ripened mangoes from Naturally ripened mangoes Read More »


8 Ways To Be Happy

Every person in this universe has some goals in life. Being happy is one of them. Happiness may be referred to as contentment. It comes from doing, not trying. Do not try to make yourself happy by thinking about happy things, because it doesn’t work. It may boost your mood temporarily but will not sustain

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