
How to overcome an inferiority complex?

What is an Inferiority complex?

An inferiority complex is a mental state in which a person considers himself to be inferior or less capable than others. In this situation, feelings of insecurity and insufficiency remain in mind. When a person suffers from an inferiority complex then he is in a state of tension and anxiety. He starts avoiding competition in any field. He feels that he is less competent than others. He is unable to recognize his good qualities and capabilities. He is grabbed by negative perceptions about himself. And due to all this, he becomes the victim of an inferiority complex. An inferiority complex makes a person weak and weaker. It also has a bad effect on his personal and professional life. If it is not resolved in time, it may lead to serious mental illness.

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  • There are many reasons responsible for this. The environment around us plays an important role to produce this situation. Small habits of our childhood may cause an inferiority complex in the future.
  • A child whose highly critical parent repeatedly says things like “You’re stupid,” or “You never do anything right” may arise the feeling of self-doubt in children carried into adulthood. So the critical behavior of parents with children may become the reason for an inferiority complex.
  • The situations of childhood like unfair behavior, being scolded, and comparing with other children may cause frustration and fear in the mind of a child. If this frustration is not treated in time, then one may be obsessed with an inferiority complex.
  • Standards of excellence, ability, beauty, greatness, etc. are established by society. When someone fails to meet these standards, the chances of developing an inferior complex increase.
  • Sometimes even a small failure may cause an inferiority complex. When we have expectations and we fail to meet them, then we get disappointed, and as a result inferiority complex comes.

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How to overcome an inferiority complex?

  • Everyone has shortcomings, so don’t underestimate your work because you have shortcomings. Do not think too much about your shortcomings and try to remove them if possible.
  • Respect yourself and don’t expect too much from others. Because after the loss of hope, we get even more disappointed.
  • Always make friends with people with a positive attitude. Such friends will always help you to stay positive which reduces the chances of feeling inferior.
  • Never aspire to anything beyond your capability or which is not likely to be achieved. By doing this, even failure can not disappoint us.
  • Leave no stone unturned to achieve your goal. Because when you achieve your goal then all the mouths with negative attitudes get shut. Because in our society, no successful person is called fat, thin, black, or short because they all look dwarf in front of the height of your success.
  • Do some work for the betterment of others. This will make you feel happy and create a feeling of appreciation for yourself, which will be very helpful in removing your inferiority complex.
  • An inferiority complex comes only when you are influenced more by other people than yourself. You hide behind that crowd, in which no one considers you important. That’s why never hide behind others. Make an identity of yourself with self-esteem.
  • Develop hobbies and spend time working on your own interests. This will enhance creativity and hence feeling of inferiority will not come to your mind.
  • Always surround yourself with honest and supportive people. You will feel supported and feelings of self-doubt diminishes.


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