“Do you trust me??? Do you believe that all information in here, is true???” It is very difficult to trust people these days, almost impossible. Trust has become extremely expensive that it is rarely found. It is so rare that when someone says “I trust him”, people around would be surprised, “What!!! Are you sure that you trust????” 

Are the above statements true???
Is TRUST a strength or a weakness??
TRUST के लिए चित्र परिणाम 
In any relationship 💑, when Someone say “I trust you”, what does it mean?
It means that I believe you. Whatever you say or do, I completely believe that it is the truth.

Later, if you get to know that I lied to you, then??
Naturally, I will lose my trust in you. If you have betrayed me, then am I a fool to trust you again?? You cannot take me for granted 😡. I trusted you because I love you. I am honest to you and you should also be the same. If there is no honesty/ transparency in relationships, then what is the use of such a bond??

TRUST के लिए चित्र परिणाम

Well, it is true that all relationships are made of love, understanding, compassion and TRUST. But the mistake we made was, in the understanding of what TRUST is…

TRUST is the complete acceptance of a person, the way she/he is. My TRUST totally depends on my mindset/ my attitude and never on the other person. When I truly trust people, I will be able to understand the reason behind one’s behavior. I will be able to help them and this strengthens my relationships.

We thought TRUST was when people behave in a way I expect them to be. I create an image of people like “he will always be true, kind, understanding, etc”. Based on our values, we would create an image and expect people to follow the same. If not done, we call it as betrayal and choose not to believe in him/ her any more. We begin to doubt the other and this disease of suspicion spoils the relationship.

No way. we need to be true to each other. This is not an expectation. This is the main mandatory quality for the relation to last long.

True. But, “Honesty, sincerity cannot be demanded from others.” We need to accept this truth. Any person would be true, only if he/ she is completely accepted by the other…


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