Life is a long journey between human being and being humane : Stop Limiting Life’s Possibility

From ants and worms to software engineer and doctors, every creature on earth earns its living. Despite our vast intellect humanity has invested all its consciousness into what could be just one small aspect of life.

Rather than limiting our possibility, it is time we engineer ourselves towards realizing our full human potential…

Let’s try to understand that…

So, this is the nature of the human being, whatever we deprived of, we think that is the highest thing…
whatever we don’t have, looks like a that moment that is the highest thing. Like, If you not eating for two days, “Food” will be “God”… Yes or No…
Yes… Isn’t it… If you don’t understand this, then do a little experiment… “Close your mouth and hold your nose for two minutes… Then, tell me, will you ask for :”Air” or “God”. Obviously for Air…
If God comes and say, “You want air or me”. Then Obviously, you will say, I want to breathe because whatever at that moment you deprived of or in other words when you are in any state of compulsiveness, you don’t say anything the way it is, you exaggerated…
Like, if your bladder is full, and I say, wait a minute, I’m talking about enlightenment…
And your bladder is too full… Would you be interested in it… No… You would say, “I don’t want any knowledge”… Right now, going to the washroom finally seems necessary… yes or no…
So just about anything, when you are in a state of compulsiveness, you don’t seem anything the way it is… At that moment, Life will get distorted to make you think, that is it…
So, Like this our human life passes from one compulsive state to another, never allowing yourself that little bit of space where you could see things the way they are… If you do not even see, Life the way it is, can you handle it the way it needs to be handle… It doesn’t.. Isn’t it…
If you don’t see, things the way they are, you can never handle it, the way things to be handle… Because of this, in many ways individual human life and whole societies have become distorted humanity…
A lot of times, I talk to 14 or 16 year olds (both boys and girls) about what they’re going to do next because they’re in 10th or something and I can’t believe they’re just talking about finding “jobs and earning a living”. Why??? I can’t believe it because till today I have never thought of earning a living…
Mostly youth talking about, Like, I want to become a doctor, a software engineer or something else. I’m not saying it is not important… All, I’m saying is even an ant which is one millionth of your brain is capable of earning a living… Then, What’s your problem with such a big brain… Why I’m saying of this is, this idea, this horribly limiting idea has been imposed into the our youths that you must earned a living and that’s the biggest thing… 
Is for big brain earning a living is actually a biggest problem on this planet??? Do you really think so… I know everybody is conditioned to believe that, but I think it is not so… It is not so…
“Earning a living is a petty thing for human consciousness but unfortunately all humanity investing all its energy and intelligence in just earning a living”.
If this one thing doesn’t change in the world that I’m not saying one should not, but all I’m saying is, it needs not occupy, the entirety of human consciouness to earn a living… if you put one, a little finger to work, it earn a living, is capable, it is capable for that…
But, A human being is constantly longing to be something more than what he is right now. If he knows only money, he is thinking of a little more money; if he knows power, a little more power; if he knows love, a little more love. There is something within him that will not settle for who he is.
In whatever way you know best, you are trying to be a little more. But if you apply your awareness and look at it, you can clearly see that you are not seeking money, property, love or pleasure. What you are seeking is expansion. How much expansion would settle you for good? If you look at this, you can clearly see that you are looking for infinite expansion. Every human being wants to expand in a limitless way. But right now, we are trying to become infinite through installments of conquest, by capturing the world, or shopping. The longing to expand is finding expression in so many ways, which are all physical.
The physical realm, however large it may seem to you, is a limited realm. Right now, our very economies are built like this: it is all about more, more and more. Every country is talking about growth rate. This means everyone has to buy more and use more. But where is that “more”?
All human genius is being withered to death simply because everybody is thinking how to earn a living… how to earn a living… you know…
The moment they can earn a living, they will sit down and become fatty…😃😃😃😄
You must be saying what can I do with this life… Isn’t it… Yes, you must be saying, what is the greatest thing I can do with this life… Because one day you fall dead… Do you know???
Do you know you fall dead one day??? So before you die, whatever is the peak possibility for this life should happen… Isn’t it… 
“I earn my living, I earn my living😏😏😏” Is this a big pride??? Why don’t you see every insect, every worm, every bird, every animal, every creature on this planet earning a living… What is there will be so proud of about I earn my own living… Everybody is earning their own living.. Isn’t it… Only “Human beings” are making a big issue out of it…
When I looked at it, How human intelligence has been sacrificed for the sake to earn a living, how many thing they could have done, Even how many incredible things they could have done but instead of that they are earning a living…
So, it is very very important and I’m just thinking that we should start a way, particularly in schools and colleges, that earning a living is not prime motto, is a damn little thing, it is not the prime of your life.
Even, with the one little finger you can earn a living and don’t forget you have a big brain… 
Do you know when earn living becomes a problem???
That is become a problem because you want to become a somebody else… Isn’t it… You want to be like somebody else… And once you enter this “Chakkar”, Nothing else is possible, just keeps you going and going and going endlessly…
When there is no compulsiveness to act, you will naturally do what is most needed. Right now, what I see is most needed in the world is that people can move at least one notch up in the way they experience life. It would be a huge relief for themselves and for the planet.
Action should always be the way the situation requires it, but whatever our action, we can remain joyful within us. Life is not a trap, “everything that you do is actually an act,”. Either you do it consciously or compulsively. If you do it compulsively, you think it is real. If you do it consciously, then only it becomes beautiful.
So, there is need to be engineering yourself… Engineering yourself doesn’t mean that to breathe little better, to be little more healthy… No, this is about realizing the full potential that is means to be human…
Read it, experiment it, accept it, own it and please do SHARE it with one and all!!!

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