“Our thoughts create our destiny, so we need to be very very careful in the quality of our thoughts.”

Most of the times, worry is selfish motivated. We worry as to what “I” would feel, if something happens to someone. Like:

“What will I do without you? How can Ilive without you?  What will I answer to my family members? “

 Sometimes, the situations in life shows a clear negative happening, like

  1.   I see my situations at work are unfavorable to me and I know that I am going to lose my job soon. My positive approach- “OK, what can I do next, where else can I apply? I need to inform all my reliable contacts, need to prepare my resume, upload in various sites, etc”.
  2.   One of my close family members is serious and will leave the body soon. My positive approach- “Yes, I will surely miss her. But the fact is, whatever happens in this world, life will move on. So what can I do to ease her and her family members? And so on..
  3.   I see that my child is an autism kid and doctors have confirmed the same.  My positive approach- “Yes, I accept that my child is an autism kid, but now on, I am responsible in making her the best. So, I get to know the ways to bring her up in a healthy environment. I learn different techniques to deal with her drawbacks and work patiently with her. I truly believe that however she is, she is at her best and will be so, always. She is a blessing to me and I will take care of her to my best possible extent.”

These pure positive thoughts will make us strong within and will radiate a lot of love, acceptance, care, concern and support to our loved ones.

Worry is the symptom of stress and depression. Repeated worry over years will lead to depression and stress in life. Any problem, in its initial stage is easy to overcome. Hence it is very easy to eliminate it.

How does worrying affect us?

Worrying affects us emotionally and physically. In this state of mind, there are nearly 50-80 thoughts that we create in a minute. These pull us down and we feel very tired, weak and unfit to do anything constructive. Our BP goes very high/ low, sugar levels vary drastically, get numbed, feel dizzy, heart beats fast, etc. As stated before, my negative thoughts can also affect the other person negatively.

What can we do instead of worrying? How can we eliminate it?

Whenever we get worried, we need to consciously stop and say to ourselves, “NO, stop thinking, none of these are going to happen, this is not true at all, everything is fine. Is there anything I can do to make the situation better? What next?” and start working on the solutions. Initially we may find it hard, since we have lived with this habit of worrying for many years, but anything can be corrected on practice.

Anything, when done in a repeated manner becomes a habit. So it is easy to create any habit in any stage of life. So let us stop worrying for the benefit of ourselves and our family/ friends.

Do you still prefer to worry?

Definitely, NO. When I worry, I radiate negative energy and then can I call it care/ love/ concern? No, never. I always want only the good to happen for my loved ones, in fact, for everyone in the world. Worrying does not help me in any way but shatters me down to a worst condition. In a subtle manner, I will also be causing harm to my loved ones. Instead, I will create a positive thought about the situations and take steps for a better life.

Will the world/ society accept you, if you don’t worry?

I cannot live up to everyone’s expectations. When it is regarding my family and friends, I will do only what is good for them and me, it does not matter what the society thinks of me. If the society calls me as “an unconcerned person” for not worrying, I will try to explain what the so called “worry” does to us and others. If it does not work, I will ignore. Again, I live for myself and my family first.


Hence, I have understood that “WORRY” only spoils me and can cause harm to people. When I love and care for my family and friends, I need to act responsibly for mine and their benefit. So, only a stable mind and a positive approach can only help and never worry.


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