
“Cannot-balls may aid the truth,

But thought’s a weapon stronger;

We’ll win our battle by its aid Wait a little longer.”

The sword possesses a very criminal record. It has been responsible for the misery, massacre and murder of millions of people ever since its invention. The horrors of war are well known. The world has seen two World Wars. Millions died, millions lost their homes, their kith and kin and millions of homes were filled with darkness. The sword is notorious for its black record.

The use of a sword

A sword is also used for the protection of the law, to save the innocent from the evil doers and to set the people on the right path. A giant’s strength can be used for both good and evil purposes, for destructive as well as constructive purposes, for offence as well as defense. So it is how the use of the swords is made. Power unless wisely directed, leads to oppression and a sword without conscience is the ruin of humanity. It is though the pen that the sword can be directed properly.

The Birth Of Pen

In the past, people were savage, barbarian and uncultured because the pen had not been born. The sword was used freely. With passage of time, education spreads and man realized the horrors that follow a misdirection of the sword. Now the pen has relegated the sword to the background and we find that a country is not counted on its physical power put on the character of its people which is built by pen alone.

Advocacy in Favor of the Sword

Some people advocate the use of the sword in settling disputes. They contend that non violence does not appeal to the enemy and if they pit you on your cheek and you place the other forward, it only emboldens them to give you some more blows. This contention sounds plausible, but a thorough investigation will show that the sword has never been able to settle the relations between the two parties and it leaves behind a trail of resentments. It is the moral victory that counts, not the physical victory. Moreover an opponent put down forcibly by sword, will look to strike one at an opportune time. Thus there can never be everlasting peace through the sword.

Power Of The Pen

On the other hand, the pen has been known to have transformed may a life. How many men, inspired by the lines from a poet’s pen pulled themselves out of the slough of evil? How many people got impetus from the bright passages from the pen of great authors and performed superhuman acts to lift man from the morasses of vices, but anything achieved through the sword gives only a monetary pleasure true happiness can never be obtained by the use of the sword. We should help in bringing those times nearer when the pen shall supersede the sword.


The pen shall supersede the sword and “Right, not might, shall be lord”, and should drive away these times when the world is living under the sword of Damocles hanging by the slenderest of threads capable of being cut any moment by miscalculation of madness.

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