Playfulness and Passion

Playful with life

Playfulness, has been wrongly equated with irresponsibility. Instead of walking around with a long face, entangled with your own creation, if you are playful with life and in tune with the larger creation, it is the most responsible way to live. If you want to enjoy each and every moment of your life, you cannot save yourself – you must burn with passion.

The most responsible way to live is just playful with life. It absolutely irresponsible to carry a long face and walk around on this planet… Yes or No??? Isn’t it absolutely irresponsible to walk around with misery. Yes, that’s the most irresponsible thing, we can do. So being playful is not irresponsibility. Being playful is being very responsible and responsive to life, only when you playful you can do that. And when you serious, the world doesn’t exist for you. Then only you and your nonsense exist. Yes when you are serious is just about you and your nonsense exist. The world and other life doesn’t exist for you. Only when you are playful you can pay attention to everything.

So, Playfulness is not a philosophy that you have to develop i.e. I’m going to being playful…. I’m going to be playful… No…. Science is telling us, the whole existence is just tense of energy, looks like the forces that create this existence is always playful. Always in this culture, creation has been described as God’s play. When they said, God’s play – Many thinking people thought “Ohh that fool is playing with my life, that why all this misery”.

The forces of creation are constantly at play. If they stop play, we’ll finish. Yes, all the basic forces with in the body itself, must be playing with full vigor, only then everything is nice. If they stop playing or they are refused to play, we are down… we are over. So playfulness is not just in your attitude, this is not your attitude, this is the attitude of the creator or the attitude of the creation.

Are you in tune with the Creation (Srishti) or Creator (Srishta)

If you are in tune with the creation (Srishti) and the creator (Srishta), being playful is very natural. Only when you are not tune in with that somewhere you got totally unsleeped by the process of your mind. Your thoughts… opinions… your ideologies… your rights & wrongs… your moralities… then only you lost your playfulness.

If you are inline with life, inline with creation or creator, you would naturally be playful. You have started ignoring larger creation and become too attached to your pity creation, which is happening only in your mind that is why all playfulness is gone. If you are inline with larger creation, there is no other way to be… you will be playful.

Only if one is playful, such a person will truly grabber-up with problems in the world without being affected by it and do his best about it. If he or she doesn’t know how to be playful, those problems will just eat him up. The problems that exist in the world are not simple. If you tried to grabber with them without the necessary playfulness in you. Don’t ever think you going to solve the problems, you will just grappled up by the problems, that’s all that happen. It is eaten up any number of people, isn’t it so. Any number of people with good intentions, has it not solved the problems of the world???

Any number of people with good intentions has just been licked up by the existing situations. You can only handle them (problems) only when you can truly playful with life, otherwise the things will be trouble. If you maintain a just a few hours of playfulness in a day about what you doing, you will see, even a your physical body will start functioning so much better. Your sleep quota will come down and meditation will become a natural process for one who is playful. Because the moment you playful you are not entangled with the things you are doing. Once you are not entangled with it… you are not accumulating ‘Karma’… You are doing “Yoga”.

The Process of Living is not entangling, the process of living now has become liberating. So you are no more doing Karma, you are doing Yoga with the activity that you are perform. Once you do yoga through the day, definitely everything should get better, isn’t it. For a beginner, who is not accomplished, the activity is necessary and if you don’t make the activity playful, then the activity is killing, always, no matter what is the type of activity it is.

How “Mahabharata” is a tremendous statement on how different human beings pass through the same situations

There are different ways of passing through the situation. “Mahabharata” is a tremendous statement on this how different human beings pass through the same situations. Almost everything that Krishna is going through on a smaller scale, people around him going through. How they go through it and how he goes through it??? And how different types of people go through it with the same situation. I think “Mahabharata” is a tremendous document on that, how different types of people, of different level of consciousness exist and go through the same situations.

When there is some problem you are travelling outside or you are in the office, some problem arises and if there are 10 people. How this 10 different people experience that little problem come up??? One may be pull his hair and freak out, another person will pounds on somebody else, another person may be bangs his head, another one may be looked up what he can do. Do you understand this things happen with same giving situation.

So, Fundamentally, that was “Mahabharata” is that there are all types of people like good people, bad people, out tried evil, absolutely virtues, various type of people. But if you look at it, every kind of human being that you can find in any society, they are all there in “Mahabharata” which means all range of people i.e. greedy ones, absolutely selfless-ones, fearful-ones, brave-ones, every kind are there. And they are all being put through a whole intense drama and you look at each ones experience is very different and the way they handle this is very different.

Krishna in Mahabharata

Through this whole drama from all the people Krishna is going through the maximum amount of drama but untouched. Because he said, “Yogastha kuru karmani” that means first establish in “Yoga” and then act. If you act without establish yourself in “Yoga”, then your actions will become entanglement, it doesn’t matter what you are doing.

Today’s way of Living

Simple things that people take up to in your life. After all most of the people, almost 95% of the people in the world, all that they have taken up for a peace, just to earn something for their survival, procreate, bring up their children and that’s it. Just for the small drama that they have picked up for themselves. They wanted it i.e. a little business or job, a home, wife, children, husband & this is it. Just to manage this, many people have reached the insane asylum too, just doing the simple job… Isn’t it so. They have not taken up the problems of the world, no such great responsibility they have taken up. Just earn their living survive, procreate and die which every creature on the planet does. For that where we see people are ending up, how many people are ending up??? Yes… Too many people, it is taking an unusually heavy though, a simple life process. It is not necessary this way, but unfortunately does go that way for many people. Simply, because there is no playfulness in their way of existence. There is no playfulness, the way they live. They seems they are too dead serious.



Now, these two things look contradictory, at one level we talk an about intensity of passion and another level playfulness that’s the whole thing. If its a passion, you must burn with it. If you are half-hearted, you will not know what it is and you will not know how to get benefit of it. You really have to burn, otherwise you will not know what is it at all. If you want to walk the path of your passion and you also want to save yourself, it doesn’t work. The idea of choosing the path of passion is that you want to burn up everything that is “You”. So that only that which your passion it about or devote it about is exist with in you.

What you call as myself is burnt up in the simple process. It is for a thinking mind this looks like self distractive but unless you willing to burn up the limited, another possibility never arises with in you.

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