truth need not to be proved; truth has the power to revealing itself to the world

“The truth need not be proved; truth has the power of revealing itself to the world.” 

We need to remain patient and keep doing our best, unaffected by any of such negative acts. Never withdraw from the situation by quitting whether it is a relationship or the company or changing the team, as this will not solve the problem and the truth has the power to reveal itself.

But staying quiet also does not prove me right. I need to tell others about their acts and prove them wrong; else my image will be damaged and will affect my job too.

Again proving the other is wrong, does not mean we are right. When we try to react toward an unstable person, the situation will only worsen. We may be provoked to behave unprofessionally, thereby, we also become unstable. An unstable mind will always think negatively which will result in loss and pain. When others are unstable, let us at least be stable, for our own benefit.

Read also: Have you ever been jealous of someone?

Now say, If someone’s husband’s business suddenly went on a big loss and they are able to just manage the day-to-day expenses. They try hard to bring back their business but in vain. Their in-laws and family are very rich.  When they see their relatives having fun, traveling around the world for vacation, and buying cars and bungalows, they slowly get jealous. Though they are in the same family, why are they in this poor financial state? They were very friendly and affectionate before but now, this jealous feeling has created a lot of negative feelings towards them like, “they are selfish, we mean nothing to them, how hard-hearted they are, why did they ever get married in such a family? No one respects them, etc”. Is this not natural?

I understand that they are undergoing challenges in life. During such times, we only need to focus on what to be done to improve the situation. Never ever compare with others in any way. All of us are truly blessed. Comparison leads to a lot of mental and emotional stress, thereby weakening us.

Are two people the same in all aspects? Can two people think the same way at all times? Definitely no. Similarly, we all face different joys and challenges during our journey in life. These struggles need to be faced with positivism, courage, and sincere effort with a strong faith in GOD.

The duration of the challenges may be long but our efforts, courage, and faith should be stronger and more consistent. Instead, if we develop jealousness, we are only weakening ourselves and our relationships. Can such a weak soul prosper in life?

I have heard people resorting to black magic and other means of causing harm. These are very strong negative energies that can really harm us. What can we do to stop this?

We can protect ourselves by completely believing that GOD is with us always. There is no power greater than HIM. With strong faith in GOD and with the complete understanding that the person/people resorting to such acts are actually in some deep pain, send good wishes for those people from the bottom of your hearts. This is the only way we can protect ourselves and also change others positively. If we too resort to black magic like them, we are first creating very very bad karma which will find its way back to us again in the future and the situation will worsen instead of getting resolved.

“Maturity is when someone hurts us and we truly understand their pain and help them in regaining their strength.”

There is also a high tendency of feeling jealous when we compete with each other. In competitions, the aim of every participant is to win a prize. Hence one needs to work on the self, learn from others and keep improving. But if one begins to feel jealous about another, there ends his competition. To know more about winning in competitions please read the below link:
“Life is not a Competition”

Hence instead of comparing and being jealous, we need to learn from others, count our blessings, use our strengths, work on our weaknesses and be happy for others. When we are a victim of jealousy, just maintain inner stability and wish good for them from the bottom of our hearts because there is no need to prove to anyone about truth, truth has the power to reveal itself to the world.

Read it, experiment with it, accept it, own it, and please do SHARE it with one and all!


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