
Quote “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown” are the utterances of an anguished soul. This was King Henry IV of England. These words have as much force today as they had when the King spoke out. These words were put in the mouth of the King by Shakespeare.

This proverb has a very direct and simple meaning. Generally, people consider that the Kings who sit on the golden throne, are very fortunate and have a very easy life. But actually this is not so. How can we believe that uneasy lies the head that wears the shining crown of gold? The Kings have no care and anxiety as they are monarch of all they survey. They have all the comforts and luxuries of life as they are the heads of a State. But actually this is a false notion. Actually, there is a good deal of truth in this saying. The simple implication is that a man who is the head of a State or any office or even of our house cannot get rest. The Kings or the Heads of the States are not the happiest men in the world. Certainly they have a huge amount of wealth, power and influence, yet they are not very happy. As such, it is not wise on our part to consider that they are the happiest persons in the world who wear and golden crown

Kings are not carefree

Actually, Kings are full of worries and anxieties as they are the Heads. They are fully perplexed day and night to maintain their honor and position and also the honor and position of the country. The are the guardians of the State. They have to look after the welfare of the citizens of their State. They have to protect the country against foreign invasion. Some times there is the chance of a civil war in the country and revolutions take place against the King. Now the King has to face the disturbances created in the country. They have to see the economic and political condition of the country also. As such, in spite of their golden crown, they are not happy. We can see people who have no great responsibility, sleep soundly in the night but they pass a restless night without sleep. The Sword of Democles’ hangs over their head every time. They are always in the jaws of danger.


We can see the hands of our family. They are always worried. All the members of the family are carefree. They have not least care about anything, but the hands are always seen worried for everything. The problems of children’s’ education, young girl’s marriage, sickness in the family and the problems of extravagance of the house mistress, unfaithfulness of the servants, strained relations with some relatives and with neighbors etc., trouble him much. He may be a rich man of thousands but these problems do not allow him to take rest. Sometimes some of the ladies of the family become quarrelsome. They do not care for the prestige of the family and have much quarrel and do not do domes tic work. They do not cook the meals also. The head is perplexed on account of these ladies. How can he be happy, though he has enough with him?

If we compare the condition of the Kings in the light of the position of the heads of the family, we can understand their position well. The kings have vast kingdoms to look after, fear haunts them day and night, fear of internal disturbances and external attacks is always in their heads. The fears of the throne, murder and exile do not allow them to sleep well.

Having given a good thought over it we cannot say that a monarch’s life is a bed of roses. In this age there are no kings and princes, but there are statesman. They are also the Heads of the State. Even in democracy, we have the heads of the country. They too are not happy though they try their best and suffer long and play tricks to become the Head of the State. It is well, known about our Prime Minister, late Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru that he worked 18 hours out of 24 daily and even then he was not satisfied with his work. He had many a problem before him to solve. If he had taken rest and proper care of his health, he would have survived a few years more. Our Shastriji could not have his meals on account of the care and anxiety of the State. He died for the cause of the nation. President Johnson of America. Ayub Khan of Pakistan and Chou, Mao of China were supposed to be very powerful but they too were not getting rest on account of so many national and international problems. Chou and Mau were considering themselves to be God, but the paper tells us daily about their condition. The people of China were blood-thirsty and they dethroned both of them as soon as they got such an opportunity. How can we say that their life was a bed of roses ?


Seeing all these things, we can say very boldly that kings, crowned or uncrowned, have always to carry a heavy burden upon their head. They are always in the midst of worries and cares. Their mind is never at rest. Common men are far better than they.

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