
Why young people are dying of heart attacks?

At present, the cases of heart attack among the youth have increased frequently. About a decade ago even a 40-year-old had very few cases of a heart attacks. But now there has been a spurt in cases of heart attack among the youth of 30 to 35 years. This is a serious topic on which even experts are surprised. This is very dangerous for our society and needs serious consideration.
Most sudden cardiac deaths occur in older adults, especially those with heart disease. Yet sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death among youth athletes.

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There are many reasons for heart attacks. We are mentioning some of them here –


Diabetes is considered a major factor in heart attacks. According to experts, the chances of heart disease in a person who has diabetes are about four times more than in a person without diabetes. Excess amount of sugar in the blood is very harmful. This increases the chances of accumulation of fat in the arteries, due to which the arteries get blocked.

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High blood pressure

In today’s era, the problem of high BP became common. Even the youth are not spared from this. In fact, the young suffer more from high blood pressure than older adults. High blood pressure thickens the heart muscle. This damages the blood vessels and increases the risk of a heart attack.

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Obesity plays an important role in heart attacks. The reason for obesity is our wrong eating habits. Fast food is the main reason for this. Due to excess weight, all the organs of the body have to work harder. There is also more pressure on our hearts due to which the risk of heart attack increases. Any condition that puts strain on the heart or damages heart tissue can increase the risk of sudden death.

Genetic reasons

There can be genetic reasons behind heart attacks. When sudden death from a heart attack occurs in young adults, it is sometimes due to underlying heart conditions such as hereditary heart disease. A young person may die suddenly during physical activity due to an unknown heart problem. Having a family history of sudden cardiac death makes a person more likely to have the same type of heart problem.

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Chest trauma

Sudden cardiac death caused by a forceful blow to the chest is called Commotio cordis. Commotio cordis can occur in athletes who are hit hard in the chest by sports equipment or another player. This condition damages the heart muscle.

Cause of sudden death while exercising?

Nowadays it is often seen that people are getting cardiac arrest while doing gym and they are dying. This is a very sensitive matter because doing gym or exercise is considered good for health. But coming off these attacks during workouts is scaring people.

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This is due to a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which causes many accidents at the gym or playground, including young people dying of cardiac arrest while exercising in the stadium or at the gym. Is. This condition, which causes the thickening of the heart muscle, is caused by an abnormal gene. Thickened heart muscle makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. Usually, it happens to one in a thousand people.

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