However you are this moment, you will receive its returns in future.
If you are and radiate love, peace and happiness today, you will receive the same in future.
If you are and radiate anger, hatred and jealousy today, you will receive the same in future.
Who created the law of karma? GOD?
Yes, the supreme God created the law of Karma. He is an ocean of love, peace, happiness, knowledge, power and bliss. As per the law of Karma, He said, man lives a life as per his own karma. This means, as I live my life, I am bound by many situations. I always have a choice of how to respond to situations and people.
If I think and respond positively, then I create a good karma.
If I react negatively (be it for any reason), by mistake or purposefully, if I compromise on my values, principles and ethics, I create a bad karma.
What is karma? How and when is it created? Who creates it?
The word Karma means action or deed. Karma actually means an energy that comes from every thought we create. Our every thought has an energy associated with it. Good/ positive/ pure thoughts produce good energy. Negative/ bad thoughts create bad energy. Here, energy refers to vibrations. Vibrations, refers to the feel or aura around us. It is like, when we meet certain people, we really feel very nice, the person may be unknown to us. That is because of the good energy created by them by their pure thoughts. We may also feel the other way too.
We get a good feeling in some places like temples or even someone’s house. At times we also feel so bad that we leave the place as soon as possible. Is it similar to that?
Yes, this feeling is due to the vibrations of that place, i.e. vibrations created by the people there.
But you said every thought creates energy? How can it be? Can you prove it?
Say you are back from office and are very tired (physically and mentally). Someone rings the door bell and it is your mother (or the person you love the most). You feel happy, right? Actually what makes us feel happy is the wonderful pure good thoughts we create, like “Oh, Ma, I love you so much, what a surprise!!” you then hug and kiss her and start telling her all day- today stories. Do you feel mentally energized? Yes, good thoughts create good energy and makes you feel refreshed, good, happy and peaceful.
Whenever you feel excited, just check your thoughts, you will know what energy you created.
Positive good thoughts are a few in numbers, but make us feel happy, peaceful and strong.
Negative thoughts are huge in number and will drain all our energy in just few minutes.
When you think about something or someone, who thinks? Is it God?
No way, He does not control our every thought. If He had to create our thoughts, then we all would be perfect human beings. It is up to us, what we think. Hence, we create our own karma.
What is destiny/ fate?
Destiny is the situations we face in life because of our past karmas; it is the result of my karmas.
What is past karmas?
When we say, “I”, I refers to the atma/ the soul. “I” am not the body or the name I hold or the position/ role I play in life. So I, the soul, have taken several births before, in several forms of body (bird/ animal/ insect/ human/….).
(My body, name, qualifications, designations, qualities, achievements are all physical entities that belong to me, they are not ME.
(I refers to the atma, the soul, the inner being.)
The way I had behaved and the thoughts (good/ bad) I had created during my previous births, accounts to my past karmas. My thoughts (good/ bad), which I created in my present birth until this instant also adds to my past karmas. All my past karmas together form my karmic account.
What is the relation between my karma and my destiny?
Whatever is happening to me, in the present, is because of my past karmic account. My destiny is created by my own karmic account.
When I throw a ping pong ball towards a wall, the speed, the angle, the way I throw it depends totally on me alone. Once I have released the ball from my hand, it goes and hits the wall. It is sure to return to me and can take its own time. But I am not left with any other option than to face it.
The way I throw the ball – my karma
Facing the ball when it returns – my destiny
The result of my karmas can reach me at any time; it may take 1 second or minutes or days or months or several years. But I am sure to face it. How I react to this present situation (destiny), creates another karma- good/ bad, which again totally depends on me only. Based on this karma, lies my destiny in future.
So, do I create my destiny?
Yes, we create our destiny. The situations we face in life, both ups and downs, are the result of our past karmas, something that we have chosen in our past.
Is it??? I was thinking till now that God creates my destiny. Whenever something happens we say, “Everything happens by God’s will”. What about that?
No, God does not create our destiny. God decides on who our parents are (again depending on our karmas) and gives us a physical body.
Let us assume. If you have the power to write your child’s destiny, how would you write it?
You would want the best for your child. He will be in best health at all times, first in class, first in all activities, topper in all exams, best in behavior, excellent communication skills, works in the best company with the highest salary, gets married to the best person and lives the happiest life.
No drawbacks, no sadness, no troubles in life.
Excellent. We are ordinary people, when we love our kids so much, how much will our real parent, who accepts us whole heartedly, who is an embodiment of purity, understanding and forgiveness, GOD love us?? If He had to write our fate how would He frame it??
Just perfect!!!
But is our life perfect always? No, it cannot be, as we have created it by our karmas, not God.
If we create our own destiny then what is God’s role?
God gives us the power and strength to the face our destiny (result of our own karmas). He guides us along the journey of life with love and compassion (while creating our karmas). He has given us pure qualities of goodness and divinity, which has the power to overcome any situation with peace. He has given us this body and it’s senses to be an instrument to exhaust our karmas. He gives us a free will, a choice, a decision to make, using these authentic qualities.
If I am happy now, what is the reason? Who is behind it?
If we are happy, it is the result of our good karmas, the good that we have created in our past, along with God’s grace.
If I am in some problem or sad or hurt, what is the reason? Who is behind it?
Again, we are the reason. Our sadness or bad happenings in life are because of our own karmas, something that we have chosen or created in the past. God is not responsible for our karmas. Whenever we do something wrong, for the first few times, we are warned many times to stop it. This feeling is due to God’s grace on us. But when we refuse to obey and keep doing the wrong deed, this action of performing mistakes becomes a habit. We then, no longer feel we are wrong. It becomes automatic and feels natural. That is the reason we have many wrong sayings like: “Anger/ stress/ tension/ worry/ fear is natural”. These are actually unnatural for any human being. We are so much immersed in such habits that we feel it natural and so “Falling sick after 30 years of age has also become natural”.
OK, if I am responsible for my destiny, then I need to be very careful in creating my karmas. Is it true?
Yes, absolutely. There is a saying “Fear God”. It is wrong. God is not our enemy to punish us or rule over us. He is the most compassionate companion to everyone in the universe. It should be “Fear your karma”. Karma begins in our thoughts. I can do something good for someone but it becomes a good karma only if I do it with love and happiness.
Example: If my neighbor is a little tired and has come home at dinner time, I can either offer her food or avoid it. I will be able to create a good karma, only if I understand her state and offer a dinner with compassion. On the other hand, if I just offer her dinner with a thought, “Couldn’t she have her dinner in some hotel? Is it nice to come uninvited and expect dinner? Her behavior is awkward, is it the time to come?”, then I am creating a bad karma, as my thoughts were impure.
But the law of karma seems to be like a tit for tat game. Why would God do that? He always blesses us irrespective of our behavior; will He want us to face problems in our present life because of some mistakes in our past?
God has created this Law of Karma only for our own good. Karma is actually a chance that is given to us to enjoy the good and exhaust the bad.When I think and do good actions, it comes back to me and I enjoy. When I think and do bad deeds, it again comes back to me. Now it is my choice whether to continue to grow the negativity in it or to respond positively and exhaust my bad karma. When a baby is born, the soul carries a karmic account and sanskars with it. This karmic account, being exhausted totally depends on how this soul is, during its lifetime. As and when the soul faces a challenge (which we call problems), the bad karmas decreases from it’s karmic account (provided heresponds positively to it). When the soul faces enjoyment, the good karmas also decreases from its karmic account. It is just like how money decreases from ourbank account as we spend it. Now decide which one you want more in your account, good karma or bad karma? If you want more good and less bad karma, then face all challenges of life with goodness.
It is like a retest. In school, we write tests. After a few weeks, there are retests conducted for us to learn, prepare in a better way and rectify our mistakes.
It is like a boomerang, when we throw it, the speed, angle, direction depends on us. This is like creating our karma. When the boomerang returns, it is up to us how we face it. This return is similar to destiny. When it returns, we can plan and catch it at the right angle without getting hurt or be careless and get hurt.
So we always need to think twice, what we should think.
Read it, experiment it, accept it, own it and please do SHARE it with one and all!!!
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