How  to Control unwanted intrusive thoughts

What are unwanted thoughts?

It is found in research that around 60,000 thoughts come into our minds daily. It is not possible to react each thought. These thoughts come automatically and we are unaware of their arrival. Most of these thoughts are unnecessary and useless. When we think about anything, thoughts related to that particular thing come to our minds. These are natural thoughts that are necessary.

unwanted intrusive thoughts

People say: “One can’t help one’s thoughts.” But one can. The control of the thinking machine is perfectly possible. And since nothing happens to us outside the brain; since nothing hurts us or gives us pleasure except within the brain, the supreme importance of being able to control what goes on in that mysterious brain is patent.

This idea is one of the oldest platitudes, but it is a platitude without realizing the profound truth and urgency of which, most people live and die. People complain of the lack of power to concentrate, not witting that they may acquire the power if they choose. And without the power to concentrate true life is impossible. Mind control
is the first element of a full existence.

When we are not thinking about any particular thing or subject, many thoughts come into our mind, these are unnecessary or unwanted thoughts. They keep running in our minds involuntarily. These unwanted thoughts disturb our concentration, due to which we are not able to use the full power of our mind.

Now the question is how we can get rid of these unwanted thoughts. So let us talk about the ways to stop unwanted thoughts.

ways to control unwanted intrusive thoughts

Express your thoughts

Make a habit to express your thoughts. It will reduce the rate of arrival of unwanted thoughts in your mind. When you express thoughts, for a time, unrelated thoughts stop. It enhances the performance of the mind. When you are expressing thoughts your mind is not in the position to attend to any other thought. So it is very beneficial to express thoughts.

Be the witness

The very first thing to do is to sit and observe the thoughts which are running in your mind, just like, sitting on the bank of the river and watching the stream of the river. Just sit and observe. Let the thought run free, let it come and go. Don’t do anything, don’t hinder, don’t suppress. If an idea comes, don’t try to stop it. Just become a witness.

This will separate you from your thoughts. At that time you will realize that the thoughts are separate from you, because the one who is observing the thoughts will be separate from the thoughts. You may be in the midst of worries but the concern is not yours, you may be in the midst of problems but the problems are not yours. You may be surrounded by thoughts, but you are not thought. This will weaken unwanted thoughts.


Self-talk is the one of the way of expressing thoughts. When you have no one to talk with, you should talk with yourself. It will release your stress. When you talk to yourself unwanted thoughts disappear. It may sound stupid, but results are amazing. Self talk will make us definite about any matter which will give good output.


Meditation is one of the oldest methods to relieve stress. Many philosophers have written about this. This is the best way to calm your mind. The practice of meditation is helpful in tranquilizing the mind. Meditation store energy in one place which enhance the proficiency of brain. When the mind becomes peaceful unwanted thoughts disappear automatically.

Divert your thoughts

When you feel that a lot of unnecessary thoughts are coming into your mind frequently, divert your mind towards another topic. After diverting your mind you will see, that all unnecessary thoughts stop. Our mind works on only one thought at a time with full efficiency. When more thoughts come, the mind can’t work on any of them efficiently. So by diverting your mind you can divert the thoughts.

Stop overthinking

When we remain in worry about the same thought repeatedly, then it is called overthinking. A lot of unnecessary thoughts comes simultaneously. This is very harmful to mental health. This leads to bad mental health. When we overthink, we destroy our mental ability to distinguish between good and bad, and go deeper into even any small topic.

So try to stop overthinking. Set your goal and concentrate on it. Be aware of coming thoughts. Always remember the thoughts running in the sky of the mind are as far as the outer sky from you. Become your own spectator. Notice the doer and seer inside. When you realize doer and seer are different, overthinking stops.

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