A New Way Of Living

Have you heard of the word “self-respect/ self-esteem”? What is it?

 Let us assess our understanding on “self-respect” Each one of us has self respect. It makes us feel good, feel prestigious, confident and strong. Very good.  When do you feel that you have self respect? I feel it when  People around me, my friends, family, colleagues, seniors, etc treat me with love and respect. People

Have you heard of the word “self-respect/ self-esteem”? What is it? Read More »

“Children treat others the way, we treat them. Our relationship with children is the foundation of their relationship with others”.

As a parent/ teacher, hold great responsibility in the upbringing of children. If kids are brought up with good values today, they will be able to face life with positivity and confidence in future. The purpose of this blog is to suggest various subtle and important values, which when taught in a loving manner, can

“Children treat others the way, we treat them. Our relationship with children is the foundation of their relationship with others”. Read More »