How to be free from Habit

Sometimes we become very happy and sometimes very disappointed, it is a natural process. We get filled with anger at the slightest provocation of someone. By doing this regularly, it becomes a habit and in this way, we start working like a machine which means that our remote control is in someone else’s hand. If someone abuses you will get angry and if someone praises you will be happy.

In this way, we become a remote control device controlled by someone else. But we are not machines, we are humans, which means we are our own boss, you have the mastery. When we do something ourselves, it is an action and we are the owner in it, but when we do something in response to someone, it is a reaction in which we are not the master, but someone else is.

What is a habit?

The word “Habit” is derived from the Latin word ‘Habitus’ which means “to get”. When a person does something again and again, then after some time that work starts happening automatically without effort, then it is called habit. According to psychologists “Habits are the second nature of man”.

Every day we do something or think about something. When these actions and thoughts start happening regularly, then they become habits. Habit means doing something automatically by our subconscious mind. The work that is done regularly becomes permanent in our mind and our mind and body start doing it automatically.

For example, when we learn to drive a car, we practice it. In the beginning, we drive the car very carefully but after some time we get used to it and our mind and body start driving the car itself. Habits are very important in our life.

Our life is impossible without habits. If there are no habits, then we will have to face a lot of difficulties in doing anything. Habit is human behavior that is repeated again and again without much thinking, smoking is an example of a habit.

Is habit good or bad?

Generally, we believe that there are two types of habits, good habits, and bad habits. We accept good habits because we find comfort in them. We consider bad habits which are not liked by society and whose results are not good. Most people believe that we should give up bad habits and follow good habits. But I believe that both habits should be abandoned. Habit is a bond and we get bound by it.

I believe that the habit should be abandoned, it does not matter whether it is good or bad, because it does not matter whether the cage is of iron or of gold, a cage is a cage. It is a slavery. And we know how dangerous slavery is. You will not digest this thing because we have been hearing this since childhood that good habits should be adopted.

Let’s talk about it in a little detail. A person has a habit of smoking cigarettes and a man has a habit of garland chanting. Both follow their habits regularly. If the first one does not get a cigarette, then he starts feeling restless and does not feel good, and if the second one does not turn the garland for one day, then he feels everything is incomplete. In both these situations, the doer is tied.

Generally, we think that smoking is a bad habit and garlanding chanting is a good habit. Fundamentally there is not much difference between the two. The real question is to break free from the habit. I do not believe that garland should not be turned or that smoking cigarette is a good thing, I am talking about the other side of all this.

I want you to be your own boss. Let no habit make you a slave. No habit, good or bad, should become your master, whether it is the habit of turning the garland or smoking. The best way is to use habits by saving ownership.


If we have lost our ownership and we are living under the control of habits, then our life has no purpose, then we are like an unconscious or dead person. A smoker does not get anything from smoking, but if he does not do so then he gets restlessness.

It is a matter of thinking that if you do not get anything by doing it, then how can there be harm by not doing it. Habit does all this. It is our habit/nature that we feel uncomfortable if we do not follow the old lines. If habit becomes master, then all habits are bad.

Habits are formed every now and then. Habits are very important in life, without habits life is difficult. Just keep in mind that the habit does not become the master. There is nothing in this world to gain by losing yourself. Buddha called it consciousness. Whatever you do, do it consciously.

Getting up, sitting down, and drinking food all consciously don’t do anything in unconsciousness. There should be so much ownership over yourself that if you want to leave any habit, leave it at this very moment and there is no need to think again.

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